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The Silmaril

By Emily Evanstar

Jewels wrought by Feanor


Locking the light of the trees

Laurelin and Telperion of Valinor

Stolen and taken across the seas

In Angband, they waited on Morgoth's crown

Forces fought within a war

Until one was reached and then bound

On Earendil's brow the Morning and Evening Star

Feanor's son survived the War of Wrath

And greed drove them to steal the jewels

But the Simarils drove them mad

One into the fire, one to the Sea so ends their tale

But now Maedhros secret has come out

Surging forth a great light

By what power, no one knows how

As it shines even in darkness bright

Glass shatters and screams you hear

Everything fades and vanishes away

Alarms and electricity sears

As Elladan feels the warmth of a summer's day

Buried beneath the ice and snow

Now finally in the hands of a pure heart

Cars come to screeching halts on the road

Accidents occur as lights fall apart

Everything is silent as a grave

In houses and streets falling black

The Jewel releases an energy wave

And even planes are forced to land

Cables and power lines snap completely

Communication and power ceases

The Jewel's fire spreads through the country

The Nazgul's pain is heard with shrieks

In the world beyond Earendil's heart quickens

The Jewel on his brow gleams brighter

The Evening Star's light becomes the Dawn

Its light makes the darkness quiver

Varda feels its power and smiles

For a child has been born her

She prays within Valimar's Halls

And in Mandos a dark lord's mind doth stir

What is this gem of such fame?

What is this magnificent crystal?

This burning Jewel what is its name?

It is called the Silmaril.

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