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A demon with a vendetta against Spike strikes out at the one person he loves - Buffy Summers. Erasing her from existence, Spike has to move through time to restore the timeline, even if that journey takes him to the Old West and one Ezra Standish...

This is a standalone piece not connected to the rest of the stories in my Mag Seven series.

Rating - General


Rebuffed by Buffy one time too many, Spike decides its time to leave Sunnydale. Unfortunately, his departure coincides with the arrival of a Master Vampire the likes of which no one has ever seen. 

Rating - Mature

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Ten years after Sunnydale's demise, Buffy Summers has retired to the town of Lawrence, Kansas, trying to lead a normal life. A chance encounter with the Winchesters reveals the world Buffy thought she knew was irrevocably altered by Glory.

Rating - Adult

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