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The Maverick is in the fight for its life when it discovers the Borg adversaries, Species 8472 has deemed the Federation a threat and is preparing an invasion. In attempting to unravel the reasoning behind this belief, Chris Larabee and the Maverick is forced to venture into Fluidic space to determine the truth, while at the same time avoiding the Borg who are determined to ensure Species 8472 never emerges to threaten them again.


Following the events in Fluidic, the Maverick returns to normal space and finds itself on Vulcan long before the Time of Awakening, before Vulcans began their philosophy of non-emotion. Tracking an assimilated Buck Wilmington to the Vulcan surface, the crew of the Maverick discovers the Borg creating a hive using the ancient Vulcans as new drones, threatening not just Vulcan but the entire course of Federation history.

For Vin Tanner, this becomes not only a personal journey to save his people but to understand what it means to be Vulcan.



When Josiah Sanchez is invited to consult at a sanitarium, accompanied by Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne and other members of the Maverick, they stumbled onto a deadly experiment involving the most fearsome creatures they have ever faced.


As Buck finds himself facing a mad cult with a twisted ideology, he is forced to confront the aftermath of his assimilation by the Borg.


This story heavily references the fic Sulaco in this series.


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