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Know that when you enter

freely these woods, you pass

into what was. 

The way that lies before you

will lead you to a world of magic and wonder, a time deep in the past when

all that lived are now forgotten.

The Wood does not forget and if you listen

to its whisper, you will hear tales of great battles and heroes of ages sadly


Listen closely and you will hear

Middle Earth speak....

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Believing Middle Earth to be safe following the end of the War of the Ring, Aragorn and Arwen begin their rule as King and Queen of the Reunified Lands, unaware that an evil far more ancient than Sauron is stirring in the dark. When Arwen learn that the Enemy's plans involve her unborn child, she and Eowyn set out on a quest of their own to save the future.


Rating - General

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When Legolas Greenleaf decides to aid the Ranger Melia on a quest to find her mother, they stumble into a search that is more than anything imagined, when they discover that Saruman was not the only one who sought to create an army of evil. As this long-dormant power emerges to cast its shadow upon Middle Earth, Melia discovers she may have the key to its destruction and perhaps the key to the Prince of Mirkwood's heart.


Rating - Adult

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When Arwen is kidnapped by a mysterious enemy and taken to her father's city, Aragorn and the Fellowship discover that Imladris has a new lord who is capable of protecting its borders from all intruders. Faced with sorcery that is beyond their ability, the Fellowship must find a way into Imladris or risk losing Arwen forever.


Rating - General


The War of Ring is over and life settles to a normal pace for the Fellowship or does it? In the White City, while Arwen is away, Aragorn decides to spend some quality time with Eldarion, with amusing results. Gimli decides that it is time for a dwarf to embark upon that great unknown adventure; learning to ride a horse. Faramir finds that living in a dead brother's shadow is more vexing than it seems and the rest of the Fellowship learn that sometimes a normal life is not as easy to lead as any of them believe.


Rating - General

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On the eve of a signing a historic treaty with the Easterlings that will ensure peace, Aragorn and the other leaders of Middle earth find themselves trapped by a spell that being their will to the purpose of the beautiful Easterling queen. As enemy troops began to move into Minas Tirith, it is up to Arwen, Eowyn, Melia and the newly arrived Lothiriel of Dol Amroth to find a way to break the spell before the enemy accomplishes what Sauron could not, the talking of the White City and Middle Earth with it. 

Rating - General

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Following the failed treaty with Gondor, a new Haradirim leader has risen to lead the Easterling Alliance, armed a bold plan, an all-out offensive against the Reunited Kingdom and its allies. As the once defeated armies of Sauron band together for a campaign that will see them take the lands of their enemies or die trying, Aragorn and the other leaders of the Middle earth prepare themselves for war. Unfortunately, as the conflict sweeps across Ithilien, Eden Ardhon and Gondor, Aragorn finds that not all wars are fought on the battlefield but rather, at home where there is the most to lose.

Rating - General

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With the war against the Easterlings and the Haradrim now moving into the territories of the enemy, Aragorn learns what it is to provoke the wrath of an elf.  Legolas Greenleaf, leading an army of elves have embarked upon a holy crusade to cleanse the land of the enemy threat but as more and more blood is spilled, Aragorn begins to wonder if Legolas' purpose is to achieve a lasting peace or to exact a personal revenge.

Rating - General



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Arwen reflects as Aragorn leaves Rivendell with the Fellowship.

Rating - General

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A bittersweet tale of what might have might been between Boromir of Gondor and a lady of Anorien

Rating - Adult

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Send feedback to Emily Evenstar 

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