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Fred's Dream

By Emily Evanstar

I am told not to talk to a stranger
They are not safe and I have never
Something's coming though I can't see it with my eyes
It's like a dark storm and all I can do is hide and cry.

Something in the dark secret is waiting for me
I hate it. I can hardly breathe I feel it so strongly
I have to hide it from my parents I cant say
They look at me oddly. I pray it will soon go away.


I want to tell them about the danger in my sight
I can't but I love them and hold onto them tight

It's like my life is counting down and its almost time
I try to hide but my mummy can still see the fear in my eyes.

Now these dreams how awfully I hate them
Scary dark cold but I can't remember them
At night I wake up frightened in a cold sweat
Mummy says its a nightmare and not to fret.

I know better for they are back scaring me again
They scare me terribly. I wake up screaming in pain
I don't want to go back to sleep I can't I hate night
Mommy and Daddy are worried and they have a right.

The dreams come a lot though I don't want them to
I wake frightened my parents don't know what to do
Every night I try to close my eyes but I know
The dreams are coming How I wish they'd go.

Went to the doctor today and he did say
They were simply bad dreams that would fade away

It's not sickness I'm not sick but all right
Still, the dreams come it does not help me my nightlight.

Mummy did not understand today
Why I had to throw her rings away
I can't explain anything but them she could not keep
I am afraid and all I told her was, "They might speak."

It's not mummy or daddy's fault oh no
The doctors are wrong and the dreams won't go
They are terrible but I don't know why it seems
That I can't remember a single thing from the dreams.

Something will come I don't know this enemy
All I know is its hatred and coming for me
It wants to hurt me to kill me and soon
I feel the walls closing I stare at the moon.

Wishing for hope tears streaming down these cheeks
No hope comes. It's not long now. Things are at the peek
What will happen to my parents? These dreams I hate!
But I wonder every night when I scream, will it be too late?


It's coming. It's coming.

The enemy is coming soon very soon.

What am I to do………..?

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