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Welcome to My Geek Nonsense.

Welcome to my blog.

I never intended to write a blog but every now and then I feel like ranting and raving about things and I don’t want to subject my friends and family to it on Facebook. I am a fan of most genres but fair warning to Twilight fans....stay the heck away! Vampires DO NOT FLIPPING GLITTER.

Okay, back to normal programming. I love Babylon 5, Star Trek, Star Wars, Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire slayer, comics books and good science fiction. If I get riled up enough, I'll bring up my views on Ghostbusters and Catwoman the movie.

I welcome discussion, comments about anything I write so feel free to throw in your ten cents worth. I am also inviting my BFF’s, you know who you are , to post your rants, stories here. Just send it to me and I’ll post it until I figure out how to let you guys to do it on your own.

I have another blog site which is what I call my grown-up author page for shilling books and there I will review independent books, but this space is for my geek nonsense.

So welcome.

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