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The Song of the Inseparable

 A Song for Aragorn and Arwen


By Emily Evenstar



My Aragorn is gone from me now

In Eol's hands I'm in I don't know how

I miss him but I will never forget

My love Estel and how we first met


I am his and he is mine no other

None can separate us not even a mad lover

For we are bound in body, soul, and heart

I choose a mortal life and none can keep us apart


I wish I could leap into his arms and feel safe

And I must somehow escape this cage

I love him and miss him deeply we were meant to be

But I know that my Aragorn is on his way to me




Though she is from me far

She loves me my Evenstar

If he hurts her in any way

I will pursue and kill him someday


I remember that enchanted day

I went into the forest and saw her stay

Watching my Undomiel wander

He will pay this mad lover


She is a part of me and so is my son

To Imladris I will pursue and come

To save her my Arwen Undomiel the Evenstar

It's almost like she's here with me though she is far




When we are again together you will see

Roses will bloom and Spring will feel as Eternity

For our love goes deep and can not be torn

Though this dark elf may try he will learn


I swear I will be faithful and true

Though I die I will always be bound to you

For my love is undying and can't be broken

Not with a million swords, by magic, or men


Our love is for longer than eternity

I've made an everlasting vow for infinity

That nothing will come between
me and you

I vow for longer than forever to
you be true

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